Company Information

Country of incorporation and main country of operations

PCI-PAL PLC is a company incorporated in England and Wales (Company Number 03869545) with its main operations in the United Kingdom.

Company VAT number

Group VAT registration number GB 792439689

Registered Office

7 Gamma Terrace
Ransomes Europark

Constitutional Documents

The Admission Document is available in PDF format to download here

The Company's Memorandum of Association can be downloaded here

Subsidiary Companies

Incorporated in England
PCI-PAL (U.K.) Limited Company number: 3960535
The Number Experts Limited Company number: 6535463
IP3 Telecom Limited Company number: 6535465
Incorporated in the United States of America
PCI Pal (U.S.) Inc
Incorporated in Australia
PCI Pal (AUS) Pty Ltd
Incorporated in Canada
PCI Pal (Canada) Inc


Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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