Corporate Governance

In order to ensure the Board makes the right decisions for the Company and its stakeholders, it is essential that a good corporate governance structure is in place

Governance framework

The Board keeps all aspects of corporate governance under review by following an established governance framework. This framework continues to be refined as the Group expands internationally and grows financially.

The Board has adopted the governance code for its framework as published by the Quoted Company Alliance (the “QCA Code”).  We strive to follow its guidance and principles by embedding them into how we develop our strategy, run our business model, manage risk, run our Board and how we engage with our various stakeholders.  The table below directs you to some of the relevant sections covered elsewhere in this annual report that directly apply to the 10 QCA code principles:

  Annual Report section
Principle 1 Establish a strategy and business model which promote long-term value for shareholders. Overview of PCI Pal & CEO review
Principle 2 Seek to understand and meet shareholder needs and expectations. s172 report
Principle 3 Take into account wider stakeholder and social responsibilities and their implications for long-term success. s172 report and ESG report
Principle 4 Embed effective risk management, considering both opportunities and threats, throughout the organisation. Principal Risks report 
Principle 5 Maintain the Board as a well-functioning, balanced team led by the Chair. This report 
Principle 6 Ensure that between them the Directors have the necessary up-to-date experience, skills and capabilities. This report
Principle 7 Evaluate Board performance based on clear and relevant objectives, seeking continuous improvement. This report
Principle 8 Promote a corporate culture that is based on ethical values and behaviors. This report
Principle 9 Maintain governance structures and processes that are fit for purpose and support good decision-making by the Board. This report
Principle 10 Communicate how the Company is governed and is performing by maintaining a dialogue with shareholders and other relevant stakeholders. s172 report
The Board considers that it has complied with the provisions of the QCA Code, except for the following areas: 

  1. The Group does not have a formal system of training for the Directors for their on-going roles, instead they are expected to keep up-to-date personally with matters relevant to their own positions through memberships of relevant professional societies, regular briefings and webinars from lawyers and accountants as well as other professional advisors and industry specialists. 
  2. The Board has not established a Nominations Committee at this time, given the current early stage and size of the Group’s business and its Board. Accordingly, all matters relating to the appointment of directors are reserved for the full Board.
  3. The Company Secretary, William Good, is also the Chief Financial Officer of the Group.  Given the current size of the Group’s business and its Board, separation of these two roles is not considered economically necessary at this time.

Overview of the Board

The Board of PCI PAL Plc is made up of an independent Non-Executive Chair, two independent Non-Executive Directors, plus the CEO and the CFO, who are employed on a full-time basis. Details of the Board’s experience are shown on the Board of Directors pages, which describe the range of skills and insight that they bring to the Board. It is important that the Non-Executive Directors bring a wide range of skills to the Board to provide robust challenges to the Executive Directors and to ensure that shareholders’ interests are represented.

The Board is collectively responsible for the long-term success of the Group.   The CEO is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Group and these plans are periodically presented by the executives to the Board.  The Non-Executives have suitable industry and public markets experience to provide input, guidance and advice to the Board as well as constructively challenge the Executives.  The CFO, as the Company Secretary, provides guidance on the protocols, legal processes and matters reserved for the Board.  The goal is to achieve a successful and sustainable business.  The Board has a specific list of matters and activities that can only be authorised by the full Board and has delegated other matters to the CEO. These matters are published on the Company website within the corporate governance section of the investor relation pages.

To assist the CEO, and the wider Board, the Group has established an Advisory Committee (the “PAC”), consisting of three members. The PAC brings additional deep international expertise in the areas of payments, product management and customer success. In addition to providing the CEO with advice in these areas, the PAC also provides the Board as a whole an additional source of expert knowledge to help it assess the ongoing risks and opportunities faced by the Group, thereby helping the Board fulfil its duties.

Division of roles and responsibilities

The Chair is responsible for the leadership of the Board and ensuring the effectiveness of all aspects of its role. Each scheduled meeting includes an agenda that allows each Executive Director to report to the Board on performance of the business including risk analysis and monitoring. Non-scheduled meetings are normally called to discuss single points of matter and, as a general trend, the number of meetings are increasing, each with shorter agendas, as the Board evolves to a hybrid approach for its meetings.

The Chair of the Board’s role and the Chief Executives role have been divided. The Chair sets the agenda for each meeting and ensures compliance with Board procedures and sets the highest standards of integrity, probity, and corporate governance throughout the Group. The Chief Executive is responsible for running the Group’s business by developing and proposing the Group’s strategy and overall commercial objectives. The Chief Executive also ensures that the Chair is notified of forthcoming matters that may affect the running of the Group that the Chair may not be aware of.

Independent non-executive directors

The three Non-Executive Directors are deemed to be independent. In reaching this conclusion, the Board has explicitly considered the prior consulting relationship of Simon Wilson with the Company, when he provided consulting advice to the Board and senior management in its market entry to, and expansion in, North America during the period 2017 to 2019.  As part of his compensation for those services, Mr Wilson was granted 250,000 options, the details of which are included in the Directors’ Report.

The Non-Executive Directors are required to be available to attend Board meetings and to deal with both regular and ad-hoc matters and they are expected to commit sufficient time to fully discharge their responsibilities. All Non-Executive Directors have confirmed and demonstrated that they have adequate time available to meet the requirements of the role and that they have no conflicts.

Board meetings

The Board typically meets formally four to six times per year to review and discuss the operating and financial performance of the company relative to its annual operating plan and budget, assess any matters specifically reserved for the board, and to review progress towards its longer-term strategic goals. This year more meetings were held to allow discussion on the Patent case and also relating to the insolvency of Silicon Valley Bank. The Board also authorises and holds sub-committee meetings for specific delegated matters. All such meetings and attendance thereof, as well as Audit and Remuneration Committee meetings, are separately identified below:

Directors’ meeting attendance 2022/23

 Board Board Audit Rem Com
 Scheduled Sub Committee Scheduled Scheduled
Executive directors     
James Barham 14/14 4/4** 1* -
William Good 14/14 4/4** 3* -
Non-executive directors     
Simon Wilson 14/14 - 2* -
Jason Starr 14/14 - 3/3 1/1
Carolyn Rand 14/14 - 3/3 1/1

* = attended by invitation of the Chair of the Committee

** = during the year James Barham and William Good held short notice Board meetings as an authorised committee of the Board

Directors can formally attend meetings either: in person, or remotely by conference call or by video conferencing. Since the advent of the coronavirus pandemic, the majority of meetings have been held remotely by video conference.  A hybrid approach to board meetings using a mix of face to face and/or video conference was adopted in the financial year and is expected to continue in this mixed format going forward.   Wherever possible all Directors attend in the same manner, e.g. all in person or all by video to ensure optimal interaction and discussion.


The Board has established two committees to assist in its considerations and to make recommendations to the Board.  These committees are the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee, the terms of reference for each are published in full on the company website under the Corporate Governance section.  A detailed report of their work can be found in the relevant reviews below.

Articles of Association

Under the articles of association, the Board has the authority to approve any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest that are declared by individual Directors; conditions may be attached to such approvals and Directors will generally not be entitled to participate in discussions or vote on matters in which they have or may have a conflict of interest.

All Directors are subject to election by the shareholders at the first Annual General Meeting following their appointment, and to re-election thereafter every three years.

The Group maintains appropriate insurance cover in respect of legal action against the Directors.

Experience, skills and capabilities

The Directors have a broad range of experiences, as shown in the Board of Directors section, allowing the Board to assess and monitor a full spectrum of risks and requirements of the Group. Where required the Directors will take further advice from professional advisors such as lawyers, accountants, functional and industry experts, remuneration and tax specialists. Each Director has the full authority of the Board to take any advice they feel necessary to undertake their individual roles.

The Board has authorised the creation of an advisory committee (the “PAC”). The charter of the advisory committee and role of each member is to provide additional breadth of market, industry and functional perspectives to the CEO and the Board of Directors as a whole as the Company navigates its future. The Board believes that being able to engage over time with excellent industry expertise through the PAC, will enhance the Board’s ability to fulfil its responsibilities in the areas of strategy and risk management and to more fully address the dynamics of PCI Pal’s fast-developing global opportunity and marketplace.

Evaluation of Board performance

Board members are appointed with full consideration of the knowledge and skills that they will contribute to the Board and are aligned to both the current and anticipated needs of the Company at that time. The Chair ensures that the development of the Board is addressed by reviewing the Board composition annually in consultation with the other Board members, as well as overseeing an evaluation of its performance annually. In FY23 this evaluation was undertaken by an external specialist organisation via an interactive online questionnaire and the feedback was delivered by the Chair followed by a full and open discussion within the Board members. No specific recommendations were made. The Board, through its Remuneration Committee, ensures that appropriate annual performance targets are set for Executive Board members.

The Chair routinely reviews the management and performance of the Board Committees and will address any performance concerns directly with the Chair of, and/or participants of, that Committee.

The Board is satisfied that it has an appropriate balance between independence and knowledge of the business to allow it to discharge its duties and responsibilities effectively but will continue to review the composition of the Board regularly.

The Group does not have a formal system of training for the Directors for their on-going roles, instead they are expected to keep up-to-date personally with matters relevant to their own positions through other relevant professional roles, memberships of relevant professional societies, regular briefings and webinars from lawyers and accountants as well as other professional advisors and industry specialists. In addition, the Board receives regular presentations by senior management and/or outside advisors on operational and strategic matters with high relevance to the Company. The goal of these presentations and associated discussions is to enhance and build a deeper knowledge, and understanding of, the business in particular for the non-executive directors. The Advisory Committee provides a rich source of additional information and knowledge from which the Board intends to continue to build the Board’s knowledge of the Group’s business and its risks and opportunities into the future.

The Board recognise it is healthy for membership of the Board to be periodically refreshed and as such normally requires non-executive directors to retire after serving for a nine-year term.

Promotion of corporate culture

The corporate culture is at the heart of the Group – Security is Job Zero but it is Team First.

We have an established corporate and social responsibility policy as detailed in the Corporate and Social Responsibilities report.

Every new member of staff takes part in an induction programme which includes a full briefing on the company, the company handbook and an overview of departments. There is also an opportunity to meet key personnel across the business and we take this opportunity to lay out the Company’s requirements on the moral, ethical and behavioural standards expected by the Company and its employees. Every employee is given the opportunity to undertake further training at the Company’s expense, so as to align individual development with the long-term growth and success of the business.

Performance of individuals and teams is monitored on a monthly basis, and we also provide annual Personal Development Reviews to best align employees and managers on performance, career goals and associated development requirements.

The Group has a “no fault” policy to errors thereby actively encouraging employees to highlight any errors that have occurred and to allow the business to establish a solution to the error and to put in place any changes in systems and procedures designed to stop the error reoccurring.

The majority of new employee positions are also advertised to all employees within the Group and where possible we will look for opportunities to prepare and promote existing employees to more senior positions, before offering a position to a new externally hired person. In FY23 we continued to evolve our departmental structure in the face of the continuing expansion of the Group. The CEO has established a senior leadership team to assist in the delivery of the future strategy of the Group.

Every quarter the CEO holds an “all hands” briefing where he will outline the performance of the Group and the successes and challenges it has faced.  The Company invests in various software systems to support a remote-first working policy allowing all employees to have the simple ability to interact with colleagues or managers. Managers can use technology to performance monitor and engage with their people.

Maintain governance structures

The Directors review a management reporting pack each month focused upon financial and operating metrics and performance against budgets and other targets. These are discussed with the Executive Directors. More detailed Board reports are prepared by management on a quarterly basis, which cover both financial statements as well as operational and strategic topics considered important and timely to the business. As noted above, the board also now receives periodic deep dive presentations on the operations of the business from members of the Senior Leadership team.

Taken together, these reports, evolving organisational structure, and regular Board meetings enable the Directors to fulfil their duties of stewardship.


Simon Wilson
Non Executive Chair

8 November 2023



The Directors of the company have been delegated clear, individual responsibilities, in line with their skill sets and experience. Each director reports regularly to the full board on the performance of the company in relation to their areas of responsibility.


Full details of the directors attendance at meetings are published in the annual report and accounts for the year.


The Board is confident both that the opportunities in the Company are not excluded or limited by any diversity issues (including gender) and that the Board nevertheless contains the necessary mix of experience, skills and other personal qualities and capabilities necessary to deliver its strategy.


1. Constitution

1.1    The Board has established a committee of the Board known as the Remuneration Committee.

1.2    The Terms of Reference for the Committee outlined below are defined by the Board and may be amended by the Board at anytime.

2. Membership

2.1    The Board is responsible for the appointment of members to the Remuneration Committee, for setting the term of members’ appointments and for the revocation of any such appointments.

2.2    The Remuneration Committee shall comprise not less than two members, all of whom shall be independent Non-Executive Directors, providing this is possible. The quorum shall be two Committee members one of whom should be the Committee Chairman unless he/she is unable to attend. All members of the Committee shall be advised of the business to be transacted at any meeting even if they are unable to be present

2.3    The Chairman of the Committee shall be a Non-Executive Director. No one other than members of the Committee is entitled to be present at Committee meetings, unless by invitation by the Chairman. The Board Chairman or Group Chief Executive may be in attendance except when issues regarding their own remuneration are discussed.  The Committee’s independent remuneration consultants may also attend meetings.

2.4   The Committee should consult the Chairman and/or the Group Chief Executive about their proposals relating to the remuneration of other Executive Directors. The Company Secretary shall produce such papers as are appropriate and/or requested, in a timely manner, and take minutes of the Committee’s meetings except when issues regarding their own remuneration is discussed or the Committee Chairman otherwise deems inappropriate. 

2.5    The Remuneration Committee is authorised by the Board to obtain legal, remuneration or other professional advice from both inside and outside the Group as and when required, at the Company’s expense, and to appoint and secure the attendance of independent external consultants and advisors if it considers this beneficial.

3. Frequency of meetings

3.1    Meetings of the Remuneration Committee shall be held as necessary but not less than twice a year and at such other times as the Chairman of the Committee shall require.

3.2    The Chairman of the Committee shall report to the Board after each meeting. The minutes of the meetings shall be circulated to all members of the Committee and of the Board.

4. Duties

4.1    The Committee shall:

  1. determine and agree with the Board the broad policy for the remuneration of the Group Board Executive Directors and other members of the executive management referred to below.
  2. have delegated authority to set individual remuneration arrangements for the Group Chief Executive and other Group Executive Board Directors that provide motivation and promote the achievement of company objectives.
  3. review and approve the level and structure of remuneration for senior management. The Committee shall determine which colleagues are “senior management” for this purpose – as at the date of adoption of these terms this covers any executive whose salary exceeds that of any Executive Director or who is considered to be part of the Senior Leadership Team.
  4. in determining remuneration for those referred to above, the Committee shall review and approve - relative positioning of the remuneration package; - individual base salaries and increases; - annual and long-term incentive/bonus arrangements and review the relevant targets for performance related schemes; pension arrangements.

4.2    The Committee shall approve the service contracts of each Executive Director, including termination arrangements.

4.3    In determining remuneration policy and packages, the Committee shall have regard to all relevant codes, laws and regulations.

4.4    The fees and other payment arrangements for Non-Executive Directors are matters for consideration by a sub-committee of the Board, consisting of the Chairman, the CEO and CFO. Fees and other payment arrangements for the Chairman shall be considered by a subcommittee consisting of the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee, the CEO and the CFO. Both sub-committees shall make recommendations to, and for the approval by, the Board as a whole.

5. Other Matters

5.1    The Chairman of the Committee shall be available to answer questions at the Annual General Meeting on remuneration issues with regard to the Group Board and senior management and generally on remuneration principles and practice.

5.2    The Chairman of the Remuneration committee shall provide a remuneration report as part of the Annual Report. The report shall include a description of the Remuneration Polices adopted and an account of key decisions made, and remuneration paid in the fiscal year. Acceptance of this report will be put to a single vote at the Annual General Meeting. The vote shall be considered to be advisory only.

5.3    The Committee shall undertake any other duties as directed by the Board. 

The Group does not have a formal system of training for the Directors for their on-going roles, instead they are expected to keep up-to-date personally with matters relevant to their own positions through memberships of relevant professional societies; regular briefings from lawyers and accountants as well as other professional advisers.

In light of the Company’s recent rapid growth, substantive change in its business and operating model, and changes in its executive leadership and board composition, the Board conducted its first formal evaluation of effectiveness during FY 20. Simon Wilson, the newly appointed director and Chairman conducted the evaluation using a mixed methodology of an anonymous survey tool, direct one-on-one conversations, and frank and open group discussion among all board directors together. The exercise was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the operation of the board as a whole; the board’s individual committees; as well as the contributions of each individual director. The objective of these assessments is to enable the board, its committees and its directors to set out down a path of continuous and incremental improvement of our governance at all levels. As part of the goal for continuous improvement, the evaluation of board effectiveness will be on-going periodic assessment process.

The broad conclusions of this initial evaluation were that there were a number of areas where improvements in effectiveness could be made, and an acknowledgment that the work of the board naturally expands over time in the face of change, growth and complexity of the business. For example, in terms of the organisation of board meetings, focus and balance of agenda topics, increased attention to forward looking matters, deepening of non-executive directors’ knowledge of operational aspects of the new Cloud business, and expansion of committee work.

Examples of action already taken by the Board as a result of this evaluation process include; deep dive subject matter presentations by a variety of senior management, regularly scheduled closed board sessions where the non-executive directors can discuss matters openly without management present, more extensive and scheduled committee activities, use of outside advisors, rationalization of information provided by management to the Board, and active and timely assessment of the effectiveness of each individual board and committee meeting.



The Board does not carry out a formal assessment of succession planning for its members, but does so informally from time to time.



The Board has not prepared a formal statement on culture, ethical values and behaviours and so there is no formal, regular measurement or assessment of this.

However, the Group has less than 120 employees operating from two principal locations. The Board is therefore confident that it can adequately assess the corporate culture within the Group.

The Group published its mission, vision and value statement as part of its Corporate Responsibilities statement which can be found in latest report and accounts for the most recent financial year.

Company handbook

All subsidiaries have adopted a detailed company handbook that is available online for all employees. Within the hand book are specific guidance on:

  • The Group vision and mission statement
  • Behaviour and conduct while at work
  • Caring for others
  • Training and development opportunities
  • Ethical policies such as the Bribery Act requirements
  • Health, Safety and Well Being
  • Employment benefit schemes
  • Time and attendance rules

The Group is exposed to several risks factors that may affect its performance.

The Board has a framework for reviewing and assessing these risks on a regular basis and has put in place appropriate procedures to mitigate, where possible, against them.

No system of control or mitigation can completely eliminate all risks.

The Board has determined that there a number of principal risks facing the Group. The latest risks that have been identified have been published in the latest Report and Accounts on the performance of the Group. These reports can be found here.




The long-term success of the Company relies on good relations with many different stakeholder groups.

Business stakeholders

The business has been structured internally into several distinct departments, being:

  • Corporate – lead by the CEO
  • Sales – Led by the CRO
  • Marketing – Led by the SVP Global Marketing
  • Engineering – Led by the CTO
  • Infosec – Led by the CISO
  • Professional Services – Led by the SVP Professional Services
  • Finance – Led by the CFO

Each department has a dedicated head who is responsible for the various stakeholders within their departments, so for instance, the CFO is responsible for working with the Auditors or the CISO is responsible for working with the external CSO responsible for the PCI DSS compliance testing.

Each head builds up an understanding of the needs, expectations and requirements of each stake holder, be they an employee, a customer or supplier.

On a regular basis the heads of departments are able to report back to the wider management team any positive or negative views and the team discuss any required responses when compared to the Company’s overall corporate aims and culture.

Any agreed changes will be implemented by the appropriate head.


Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 requires a Director of a Company to act in the way he or she considers, in good faith, would be most likely to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of its members as a whole. In doing this, section 172 requires a Director to have regard, among other matters, to:

  • the likely consequences of any decision in the long-term;
  • the interests of the Company’s employees;
  • the need to foster the Company’s business relationships with suppliers, customer and others;
  • the impact of the Company’s operations on the community and the environment;
  • the desirability of the Company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct; and
  • the need to act fairly with members of the Company.

The Directors give careful consideration to the factors set out above in discharging their duties under section 172. The stakeholders we consider in this regard are the people who work for us, buy from us, supply to us, own us, regulate us, and live in the societies we serve and the world we all inhabit.

Interaction with the Board

The Board receives updates from the Executive Management on various metrics as well as feedback and survey results in relation to employees and customers. The Board also periodically receives updates from other members of the management team on issues concerning customers, the environment, communities, suppliers, employees, regulators, governments, and investors, which it takes into account in its decision-making process under section 172. In addition to this, the Board has open authority to understand the interests and views of the Group’s stakeholders by engaging with them directly as appropriate.

Our stakeholders

As our organisation grows in size and scope across an expanding geography, the Board have recognised that it is important to have professional and clear communication channels in place with our key stakeholders.

Shareholders Employees

How we engage

Since the launch of PCI Pal in Sept 2016, the Group has seen increasing investor interest in our business and in turn these investors have supported the growth of the business.

We have developed multiple communication channels with our investors through a variety of ways:

  • The Company hosts its Annual General Meeting in person, which is open to all current and potential investors
  • The CEO and CFO engage with investors either face-to-face or via virtual roadshow presentations at least twice a year
  • The CEO and CFO also record their virtual roadshow via the Investor Meet Company portal allowing all shareholders the opportunity to hear updates on the company
  • The Company has a dedicated investor website that gives access to all relevant company news and regulatory updates
  • The Board regularly receives updates on feedback from investors via the Executive Management and the Group’s NOMAD

How we engage

The Group’s success is directly linked to the talent and skills of our employees. The CEO has the responsibility of ensuring we maintain a working environment that people want to join, and that we can therefore attract and retain the best employees.

We are a small company but are growing fast in scale and geographic footprint. Maintaining excellent communication with our employees is therefore vital to our development. Some examples are:

  • Annual kick off events detailing the plans for the coming year and looking back at the previous 12 months
  • Quarterly all-hands updates
  • “Meet the CEO” sessions
  • “Ask me anything” sessions with the Senior Leadership Team
  • Regular department meetings and Quarterly Business Reviews
  • Plus internal blogging via our Employee Engagement Platform - The Hive

The overall ambition is to create a collaborative and responsive organisation that allows our employees to feel engaged with the strategy of the Group and also allows them to progress their own development and career.

Outcome of engagement

Investors continue to demonstrate support for the Board initiatives, activities and plans and we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback on the performance and trajectory of the business.

Outcome of engagement

The Group continues to attract skilled and enthusiastic employees allowing us to continue to develop our plans and strategy without interruption.

Our employee churn rate remains very low.

Partners & Customers Community & Environment

How we engage

One of the three founding core pillars of PCI Pal is to be a partner-first organisation.  Working with partners not only makes us better able to serve the broader technology needs of  customers, but also better able to scale and grow our business profitably. We state we are “partner-first” but that does not mean we do not deal direct with organisations that want our class leading solution.

Partners all have relationship managers on their account, they are supported by our customer success team and service desk.  Direct customers benefit from the same level of care and support. We have developed detailed processes that take the partner and customer through the entire customer journey: from contracting through to deployment; support and management within our Customer Success function.

Our Senior Leadership Team regularly meets with senior executives of our Partners to further build lasting relationships.

How we engage

PCI Pal and our customers’ employees are active members of their local communities, wherever they are based. 

We recognize that by delivering our solutions we serve our communities by providing valuable data security and reassurance to consumers, whilst also reducing fraud levels across payments. The efficient way we deliver our services over the Cloud reduces the environmental footprint.

For the last three years we have been measuring and reporting on activities that affect our environment, via the Environmental, Social and Governance report. Our goal is to reduce our environmental footprint wherever practical. As an example, we have maintained the ability of our employees to primarily work from home as it lowers our commuter travel impact, whilst boosting the wellbeing of our employees.

Outcome of engagement

In FY23 83% of all contracts and 77% of all value were delivered via our Partner network.

In the same period the Group signed 157 new logo contracts.  Since July 2019 we have signed more than 570 new customers.

Relationships with customers and partners are fostered through both survey feedback as well as regular direct relationship contact. Our net promoter scores (NPS) for FY23 for our deployment services now stands at 75% (2022: 65%).

The Company CSAT score for our support operations in its first full year of use stands at 85%.

Outcome of engagement

Our focus on the appropriate work/life balance for our employees have allowed many to spend time supporting their communities.  Some employees have, amongst other activities, arranged sporting activities while one has directed their own musical.

In FY23 we introduced the “Evolve” day allowing employees paid time off to undertake specific activities to support their local communities.

In the year our business has supported Mental Health and Menopause charities and this has included inviting the charities into the business to speak to our team on their areas of focus and expertise.

Our environmental footprint remains small with travel and energy use per employee falling


It is the Group’s policy to manage and operate worldwide business activities in conformity with applicable laws and regulations as well as with the highest ethical standards. Both the Group’s Board of Directors and Executive Management are committed to full compliance with applicable law and regulations in all jurisdictions in which we operate, and to maintain the Company’s reputation for integrity and fairness in business dealings with third parties.  The Group is committed to maintain its PCI DSS Level 1 clearance and ISO27001 registration.

Further information on how the Board operates and discharges its duties can be found in the Corporate Governance report, the Environmental Social and Governance Report and the Statement of Corporate and Social Responsibilities above.

Key Board matters discussed in financial year

In September 2021 a claim for breach of patent was made by one of our competitors, Semafone Limited (now renamed Sycurio Limited), in the US and UK courts. The Board strongly refute the accusations being made. The executive directors have been instructed to defend the claim and to provide regular verbal updates to the non-executive directors on the progress being made and the strength of the defence. In the year to 30th June 2023 our defence of the claims being made in the UK were finalised resulting in a UK Court hearing in June 2023.  In Sept 2023 the Court issued its judgement and completely dismissed the claims being made against the Company. In the US the defence process is ongoing. The total costs of the defence has been estimated at up to a total of £3.7 million, assuming the case is heard in both the UK and US courts, of which £2.8 million has been received to date in legal advice. The claims made have not had a material effect on the running of the business to date.

The Strategic Report for the Group was reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors on 8 November 2023.


Signed by Order of the Board

James Barham
Chief Executive Officer
8 November 2023




The Board of directors have established the following committees:

  • An Audit Committee
  • A Remuneration committee

The Board has not established a nominations committee responsible for overseeing the recruitment of Board directors and succession planning as they believe the Company is too small to warrant such a requirement.

Audit Committee

The Chairman of the Committee is Carolyn Rand

The terms of reference of the audit committee can be downloaded here.

Remuneration Committee

The Chair of the Committee is Jason Starr.

The terms of reference of the remuneration committee can be downloaded here.

The committee is responsible for setting the terms and conditions of employment for the executive directors and meet on two occasions during the year.

The current policy is to set remuneration in accordance with market conditions in order to attract, retain and motivate the executive board.

The committee reviews Group performance and arising from those reviews may determine performance related bonuses.

No director is involved in deciding his or her own remuneration level or performance related bonuses.

The fees for non-executive directors are set at smaller turnover AIM quoted market rates to attract individuals with the necessary experience and ability to make a substantial contribution to the Group’s affairs and its continued development.

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